Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Liebster Award

During the last week I received several comments  from very sweet bloggers that told me I was nominated for a  ‘Liebster award’. I had no idea what this was, but it seemed pretty cool to be getting some kind of 'award'. It turned the Liebster Award is as awesome as it seems, since it gives you the chance to discover new blogs and get to know the bloggers a little better. So thank you, girls from lanovata.nl, l-eef.blogspot.nl/ and bite-the-cake.blogspot.nl, for nominating me!

A few rules do apply to the award, which are:

1. Thank the person who nominated you and post the link of her/his blog in your post
2. Put the award in your post or on your blog (that pretty picture on top of this post)
3. Answer the 11 questions that the person who nominated you asked
4. Post 11 random facts about yourself
5. Nominate 5 to 11 blogs that have less than 1000 followers. 
6. Make a new list of 11 questions
7. Put the rules in your blogpost
8. Let the bloggers know you've nominated them en give them the link to your post. 
Let's begin with 11 random facts:
1. I know conversational Mandarin
2. My nails are painted lightblue at the moment
3. Ever since buying a smartphone I've been (a little) addicted to it
4. I starred in the music video of a Dutch rapper
5. I want to study in the US after I finish high school
6. I love grilled cheese
7. I am currently looking for a job for the summer
8. I procrastinate. A lot.
9. I wish I could play guitar, but sadly I can't
10. I really want to go on a roadtrip across the US someday
11. I always spend at least 15 minutes on selecting the right music before I start to write

Questions from Hiltsje (lanovata.nl)
(I translated these from Dutch, so the original text is in italics following my translation)

Why did you start blogging? (Waarom ben je begonnen met bloggen?)
I have always enjoyed writing, but I'm the kind of person that needs an incentive to start doing anything creative. So blogging seemed like a good way to force myself to write regularly. With my blog I also wanted to create a spot where I could put everything that inspires me. 
Do you watch TV shows. If so, which? (Kijk je tv series, zo ja welke?)
Recently I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had the time to follow any series on a weekly basis. The shows that I have followed (or watched all the seasons of in an insane marathon) are: Sherlock, Doctor Who, Community and The Vampire Diaries.
What place in the world would you like to visit? (Welke plek op de wereld zou je nog graag willen zien?)
Too many to name! If it were possible, I would just travel each and every day. I would really like to visit Japan, though. It seems like a beautiful, as well as interesting and extremely diverse country.
How many pairs of shoes do you own? (Hoeveel schoenen heb je?)
At the moment I have 8 pairs that are fit to wear, but I only wear a few regularly. One pair of boots, one pair of ankle boots, two pairs of sneakers, one pair of sandals, two pairs of heels and a pair of running shoes.
What is on top of your wishlist? (Wat staat er bovenaan je wishlist?)
A movie night in with my best friends. With us in PJs and lots of ice cream.
Name your five favorite songs. (Noem je top 5 favoriete liedjes)
How can you expect me to do this? This feels like having to pick my favorite child. (If I were a mom, that is.)
Since I have to answer this, I’ll name five that I have recently been loving.

1. Run – The Maine
2. Unbelievers – Vampire Weekend
3. Pretty in Punk – Fall Out Boy (This is an all-time favorite)
4. Snap out of it – Arctic Monkeys
5. How long will I love you – Ellie Goulding
What are you looking forward to the most at the moment? (Waar kijk je op dit moment het meest naar uit?)
Spring break! And also the exchange trip to China I’m going on after that.
What is your favorite brand? (Wat is je favoriete merk?)
This is kind of a hard question, because I really don’t pay attention to brands when I’m shopping. I own a Longchamp bag that I really love, though.
How did you come up with the name of your blog? (Hoe kwam je op de naam van je blog?)
I really enjoy writing and when I do I tend to put a lot of words in italics. Since that is habit that is typically ‘me’ and this blog is also really ‘me’ I decided it would suit. (Also, a lot of other URLs were already taken.)

Name three beauty products you couldn’t live without (Zonder welke drie beauty producten kan jij niet leven?)
Mascara, moisturizer and lip balm.

What do you do everyday besides blogging? (Wat doe je naast bloggen ?)
I go to high school.

If you could only take three things to a desert island, what would you take with you? (Als je drie dingen mee mocht nemen naar een onbewoond eiland, wat zou je dan meenemen?)
My iPod, a good book and a small plane to get me off the island.

Who do you think is the hottest celeb?  (Wie vind je de knapste celeb?)
I love this question! And to me the hottest guy will always be Andrew Garfield. I also have a not so tiny crush on Brendon Urie from Panic! At the Disco.

 If you could play the lead in any TV-show, what show would you choose?  (Als je de hoofdrol in een tv-serie mocht spelen, welke serie zou dat dan zijn?)
BBC Sherlock. No doubt about that.

Favorite city to go shopping? (Wat is je favoriete stad om te shoppen?)
New York. London. Paris. Haha…. A girl can dream, right? But a place I actually go shopping often is Amsterdam. 

What sports do you practice? (Aan wat voor sport doe je?)
I’ve been riding horses for almost five years now. I also go jogging quite often.

To which country or city would you like to travel someday? (Naar welk land of welke stad zou je graag nog een keer willen reizen?)
Like I mentioned earlier, I wish I could see the whole world! Japan, India and Los Angeles are on top of my to-visit list, though.

What is your beauty secret? (Wat is jouw beautygeheim?)
Take good care of yourself. Eat well, sleep well and be kind to yourself. Beauty is highly subjective, so what matters is if you believe you’re beautiful. And you can often do that more easily, when you feel good. (Also, I usually don’t look great if I have only slept 3 hours in a night.)

If you are in university, what are you studying? If you have a job, what kind of job do you have? (Als je studeert, wat studeer je? Als je werkt, wat voor werk doe je?)
Still a high school student, who also happens to become very anxious when anyone mentions uni.

Favorite game? (Wat is je favoriete spel?)
I’m assuming this is about videogames. I don’t play a lot of games at the moment,  but I used to play a lot of Pokémon.

Favorite piece of clothing? (Wat is je favoriete kledingstuk?)
My 10 euro jeans from H&M. They have an amazing fit and if I ever ruin them I can easily buy a new pair.

Questions from Eva (http://l-eef.blogspot.nl/)
What is your favorite thing in life? (Wat vind je het leukste in het leven?)
Great question. For me it’s being lucky enough to have an amazing family and friends. Although it’s cliché, spending time with them is my favorite thing to do. Besides this, I also really love being able to express myself in a creative way.

And your least favorite thing? (En wat het minst leuke?)
Compulsory education and ignorance.

Favorite song at the moment? (Wat is je favoriete liedje op dit moment?)
Like I mentioned before, I’ve been listening a lot to Run by The Maine.

What’s your nickname? (Wat is je bijnaam?)
I have many. Bien, Mr. Bean, Sab, Sabbert, Sabjene are just a few.

Who would you still like to meet in your life? (Welke persoon zou je graag nog willen ontmoeten in je leven?)
This is a really hard one, because I look up to a lot of people. I would really like to meet John and Hank Green, because they literally do all the things and are extremely thoughtful at the same time. I would also like to meet Tavi Gevinson, because I would really like to talk to her about journalism, feminism and fashion. And to let my 13-year old fantasies come true, I would also love to meet Fall Out Boy.

What inspires you? (Waar haal je je inspiratie vandaan?)
A lot of things; The books I read, the music I listen to, things I find on the internet. Above anything else, the world and people around me and the feelings or thoughts they excite in me. I believe that as long as people walk the earth, there are stories that have to be told.

Would you rather have curly or straight hair? (Zou je liever krullen of stijl haar hebben?) When I style my hair, I prefer to curl it. Yet, if I had to either have curls or straightened hair as my natural style (I have naturally wavy hair) I would prefer to have it straight  since  it’s a lot easier to style and care for.
Who is someone you couldn’t live without? (Zonder welke persoon zou je niet kunnen leven?)
Although there are many people I care about deeply, I believe I could always survive without them.

What are you addicted to? (Waar ben je verslaafd aan?)

What’s still on your bucketlist? (Wat wil je nog doen in het leven?)
A LOT of things: Write a book, travel the world, fall in love, go on a road trip, move abroad, help out others.

My eleven questions:
1. What is your favorite thing about blogging? (Wat vind je het leukst aan bloggen?)
2. What is your biggest dream? (Wat is je grootste droom?)
3. If you got three wishes, what would you wish for? (Als je drie wensen mocht doen, wat zou je dan wensen?)
4. What is the most important lesson you have learned in life? (Wat is de belangrijkste les die je in je leven hebt geleerd?)
5. What gives you confidence? (Wat geeft jou zelfvertrouwen?)
6. Who do you look up to/ inspires you? (Wie is jouw voorbeeld / inspireert jou?)
7. Put your Ipod on shuffle. What song comes on? (Zet je iPod op shuffle. Welke liedje begint te spelen?)
8. Use a quote (can also be song lyrics, poem etc.) to describe yourself (Gebruik een quote om jezelf te beschrijven.)
9. What are your favorite kind of posts to write? (Welke soort posts schrijf je het liefst?)
10. What are you going to do tomorrow? (Wat ga je morgen doen?)
11. How do you think strangers would describe you? (Hoe denk je dat mensen die je niet kent, je zouden beschrijven?)

The thirteen blogs I’m nominating are:


  1. Gefeliciteerd met de nominatie! En wat heb je leuke antwoorden gegeven!! x

  2. Superleuk, dankjewel!! Leuke blog heb je ook


  3. Ah, bedankt om me te nomineren! Maar ik ga de tag niet invullen aangezien ik al zoveel keer ben genomineerd, en ik het officieel eigenlijk niet meer mag... Maar je hebt wel een ontzettend leuke blog, dus ik ben je even gaan volgen!

    1. Haha geen probleem! Ik wilde je sowieso even noemen omdat ik je blog erg leuk vind. Dankjewel!

  4. Leuk om je antwoorden te lezen :)

  5. Leuk dat je mee mocht doen. Maar ik heb hier al een keer een artikel over gemaakt. Dus ik doe niet mee.

    Liefs, Jet

    1. No problemo ;) Wilde je toch sowieso even noemen.

  6. Super leuk dat je mij genomineerd hebt! Dankjewel! X


  7. Wat leuk, dankjewel! :-) Ik had net al een artikel klaarstaan omdat ik ook genomineerd was door iemand anders, maar ik heb je nog wel even benoemd!
